Friday, July 20, 2012

10 days away!

Well, the big move day is just over a week away.  This is just the freakiest thing!  So far we've raised just over $1500/month in support, found and put a deposit on a house, rented a storage building, reserved a truck, and started the packing and sorting process.  It's been a total whirlwind.  I definitely have had my freak out moments, but overall, I have peace about every step we have taken and are taking.  I am continually amazed at the way God is providing.  Just yesterday, we received a completely unexpected refund check in the mail from a Dr.'s office.

I am kinda feeling overwhelmed right now with all the stuff that has to be accomplished in the next 10 days.  I am wondering if I am even going to have the time to get it all done!  (probably shouldn't even be taking the time to blog, oops!)  Nick just chalks it all up to me trying to cram as much stuff as possible into an already packed schedule.  I do tend to do that to myself.  As if I am making some kind of dare to me to finish everything!

Anyway, that's kind of an update.  We still have to raise $500 more a month before we are officially allowed to begin the internship.  I totally believe we will make that and surpass it and reach the goal of what we need to live on for the next year.

Just keep us in your prayers that this will get done.  And remember, the faster we get this done, the faster I'll stop talking about it and move on to other things!  :)

Love you all!

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